The Octo Mom Meets Constitutional Law: Testing the Constitutionality of Restricting Fertility Treatments


  • Theresa Miller-Sporrer University of Pittsburgh School of Law



On 26 January 2009, Nadya Suleman gave birth to eight children.


1 The public outpouring of support quickly turned into widespread condemnation as more information about Ms. Suleman’s multiple pregnancies and financial situation was released.2 Once the public learned not only that Ms. Suleman had six other children but also that all fourteen children had been conceived using in vitro fertilization, the public began to question both her judgment and the judgment of her doctor.3 The public apparently was willing to accept the birth if it was the non-deliberate product of a hormone-based fertility treatment but was less willing to accept the birth if it was the result of a deliberate choice on the part of Ms. Suleman and her physician.


